College Coaching Services

Have a Red-Flag on Your Academic Record? Don't Worry.

Educational Crisis Management helps you getting in front of the problem so you can continue with your educational journey towards success.

Meet Hanna Stotland

Hanna Stotland, JD has been an independent educational consultant specializing in crisis management for over two decades. She has helped students overcome virtually every kind of educational interruption, from mental illness to academic failure to disciplinary and criminal consequences.

Based in Chicago, Hanna serves families from California to Maine. Whether your goal is to overcome a problem on your permanent record or simply learn more about the educational options available to you, Hanna can help.

Eric's testimonial

"I would, hands-down, recommend her to any family or friend in a similar situation."

I dropped out of high school during my junior year after being suspended for an extended part of the year. After completing my GED, I enrolled at Rutgers-Newark in lieu of my senior year. With Hanna’s help, I was granted admission at Cornell University. I graduated summa cum laude in 2016 with a B.S. in Applied Economics & Management. I am now a CPA and attending Harvard Law School. Hanna understood my situation as no one else could. She was able to guide me out of a situation that no other counselors were willing to touch with a 10-foot pole or even knew how to truly approach. Her logical and compassionate nature allowed me to pursue my dreams, when all others gave me no shot. I would, hands-down, recommend her to any family or friend in a similar situation.

B.L.'s testimonial

"Hanna, you helped me write an explanation letter so that I could have a second chance at a great institution."

Hanna, you helped me write an explanation letter so that I could have a second chance at a great institution. The depression I felt after being kicked out of school was crushing. It was my ‘rock bottom.’ However, that is no longer the case. I promised to work harder than ever before if given a second chance. I have done just that. I want you to know how much I appreciate what you did and will always remember it. You never hesitated for a second to tell me that it’s possible for me to go to medical school or law school. It’s people like you that motivate me to be the best I possibly can. Thank you for giving me your time so that I could better the rest of my life. (From student who was expelled from college and then transferred)

Don't Give Up Hope. There is a Way Through.

Parents and students often give up hope and assume that a selective college, or any college at all, is out of the question for students with one or more problems on their records. But you might be surprised to learn how open-minded colleges can be about these issues when the student has changed and explains the transformation effectively. Hanna herself made it to Harvard despite straight F’s in her last three semesters of high school. There is a strategy for every student who wants to return to an academic path. Sometimes community college or a planned transfer is a component of the plan; sometimes an international university is the right solution; sometimes it is just a matter of explaining the history in a more effective manner. Whatever the problem, Hanna can help you create a unique solution that works for your family.

Overview of Services

Hanna Stotland specializes in counseling students who face unusual challenges in the college or graduate school application process. Hanna’s philosophy is grounded in ethical disclosure. She guides clients in how to tell hard truths, never how to hide them. She has helped students apply successfully despite a range of problems that required explanation:

Eating disorders
Title IX problems
Substance abuse and treatment
Death in the family
Medical crisis
Criminal charges or arrests
Academic dishonesty
Multiple moves during high school
One unexplained semester or year of lower grades

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